
  • All
  • Certifications
  • Patent
  • Agreements
  • Certifications

    Venture business certificate
  • Certifications

    GRAMM Co., Ltd. business registration certificate
  • Certifications

    Excellent technology evaluation company
  • Certifications

    Green Guarantee Approval
  • Certifications

    R&D department certificate
  • Patent

    Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT
  • Patent

    Patent certificate for hybrid ship electric propulsion system
  • Patent

    Design patent certificate for rim driven small hydro power generator
  • Patent

    Patent certificate for rim driven small hydro power generator
  • Patent

    Development and technology transfer agreement for the rotating shaft permanent magnet generators and power converters for small ships
  • Patent

    Permanent magnet type rotating machine that is easy to repair and its repair method
  • Agreements

  • Agreements

    NSC Agreement
  • Certifications

    Venture business certificate
  • Certifications

    GRAMM Co., Ltd. business registration certificate
  • Certifications

    Excellent technology evaluation company
  • Certifications

    Green Guarantee Approval
  • Certifications

    R&D department certificate
  • Patent

    Patent Cooperation Treaty PCT
  • Patent

    Patent certificate for hybrid ship electric propulsion system
  • Patent

    Design patent certificate for rim driven small hydro power generator
  • Patent

    Patent certificate for rim driven small hydro power generator
  • Patent

    Development and technology transfer agreement for the rotating shaft permanent magnet generators and power converters for small ships
  • Patent

    Permanent magnet type rotating machine that is easy to repair and its repair method
  • Agreements

  • Agreements

    NSC Agreement

Company : GRAMM Co., Ltd. | CEO : Kim Dohyeon | Business Number : 499-87-02155
Email : | Tel : 051-629-7353 | Fax : 051-629-7354

Headquarter&Research Institute : [48548] 1608-B, Hanmir Bldg, Pukyong National University,
365, Sinseon-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, Korea
Factory : [45012] 20, Yeonsan 3-gil, Seosaeng-myeon, Ulju-gun, Ulsan

ⓒ 2023. GRAMM Co., Ltd. all rights reserved.

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